Atlantic Files reacts to the Ben Simmons interview with JJ Redick

The moment JJ Redick teased the Ben Simmons interview, it caught everyone’s attention, especially ours! Right off the bat, the first teaser was about Simmons’ time in Philadelphia. How is anyone supposed to watch that and not get curious?

In the Philadelphia area, Ben Simmons has turned into a dreaded conversation starter. Everyone has their own side to this argument, but it usually starts with either calling Simmons a quitter or the Philadelphia 76ers dumb. Every single Sixers fan has had the Simmons argument and it’s going to continue until either side wins a championship. Although, even after that, the debate will probably still go on.

Finally, we were all able to hear Ben Simmons give his side of the story in regard to what happened in Philadelphia and where it all went wrong. JJ Redick lobbed up some softball questions about the playoff series against the Atlanta Hawks and the contract hold-out during last season.

Simmons gave some insight into some of the situations with things that none of us have heard about before. After that, there was a lot of flip-flopping and mixed answers. That could be a bias coming out, or it could be reading between the lines. That’s for all of you to decide!

During our latest episode, we reacted to the interview and some of the quotes that stood out the most. Comment on the video to let us know what you thought about it!


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